Safety first: Medical forms
Understand our medical form procedures for a safe and enjoyable dive trip
All our guests will be required to fill out two forms.
First, a liability release form related to the whole trip. You can find the form here:
Liability release form
Additionally, you will be asked to fill out a medical form which you can find here:
Medical form
Introductory divers (guests who are trying scuba diving and are not certified) will also be asked to fill out the try scuba form.
If any of the listed conditions in this form apply to you, you will be required to show a medical certificate you are cleared to scuba dive.
Please note, we will not allow you to try scuba diving if you suffer from any of the conditions listed, no matter how unrelated to diving they may seem.
You can find the form here:
Try scuba form
You can get a medical statement from your personal doctor, or you can get it from the Cairns 24-hour medical centre.
Please note a declaration from a doctor must specifically state you are fit to go diving, and can not be a generic statement listing your conditions or declaring you fit for other activities.